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Helpful Advice and Inspiration for Car Windshield Wipers in English

Discover valuable advice and innovative ideas regarding automotive windshield wipers with helpful tips on maintenance, efficiency, and safety. Keep your wipers in top condition to ensure clear visibility during all weather conditions.

Regularly inspect and clean the wiper blades to remove any dirt or debris that may affect their performance.

Части автомобиля на английском языке. Часть 1 - Внутри автомобиля

Детали автомобилей на английском языке. Car parts. Word Express. Английский язык. Видеословарь.

Делай так - не будет проблем с дворниками зимой!

Consider replacing the wiper blades at least once a year to maintain optimal functionality.

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Дворник по-английски

ПОСЛЕ этого дворники скрипеть прыгать не будут, а лобовое царапаться.


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During winter months, remove ice and snow from the wiper blades before operating them to prevent damage.